Scope Sighting – How to Sight a Scope without Shooting
Why Do You Need to Know How to Sight a Scope without Shooting? Scope Sighting correctly is the most important part when using a scope. You may have heard that the best way to sight a rifle scope is when shooting. This is entirely true. You can laser boresight your rifle using a laser boresighter, and save the ammo that could have been waste. To sight a scope without shooting, you can use one of this four ways, which is visual, laser, magnetic and optical. These methods give the best reference to start sighting, moreover, you will save yourself from unnecessary shoulder recoil. A good sighted scope will ensure that danger will not happen to anybody in the field. If you want to know how to sight in a scope in the traditional way then the article How to Sight In a Scope in 7 Simple Steps is for you Sight In a Scope without Shooting 1. Visual BoreSighting – Eyeball Boresighting This is a bit straightforward method of sighting a rifle scope as it is a traditional way. It i...